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You are currently connected to the website of the company Pierre Balmain.
General information - Identification of the site publisher
PIERRE BALMAIN, Société par Actions Simplifiée (Simplified Joint Stock Company)
Registered office 44, rue François 1er, 75008 Paris – France
Capital of 2,140,725 euros
RCS of Paris no. 582 054 862
Intracommunity VAT No.: FR. 86582054862
Telephone number: +33 (0)1 47 20 35 34
Publication manager: BALMAIN S.A. as President of PIERRE BALMAIN S.A.S., represented by its CEO, Mr. Matteo SGARBOSSA
Identification of the site host
The site is hosted by: France SAS
Registered in Paris with the RCS number: 483993226 RCS
Registered office: 3 avenue Octave Gréard, 75007 Paris, France
Telephone number: +33 (0)1 72 10 94 00
Issued share capital: €37,000